Welcome to Witches Brew
A newsletter guaranteed to bring a little magic to your life. Welcome to my newsletter,
Witches Brew. In each issue I give hints, tips and tricks to bring a little magick into your life. Also, I will feature my live appearances, workshops, news and information about my film and tv adventures and airings.
Whether you are a client, friend, colleague, co-collaborator, student or someone who is just curious, you are getting this because we’ve communicated in some way in the past. If you do not wish to receive any more of these, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of the page.
Please note: During these unprecedented times and the continuing pandemic, I am doing my private sessions online via Zoom, Skype, Facebook Video Messenger, WhatsApp and Phone, (except for emergency house and space clearings, in which I keep fully masked and social and physical distancing practices). Call for more info. 323-461-0640.
Special Circumstances: I am also offering discounts and sliding scale pricing if needed for those adversely affected by the pandemic.
It’s okay…these are crazy times. Be a little kinder with yourself and those around you. Embrace the word “compassion” for yourself and others…We will get through this…And I still believe we will be stronger, wiser and better on the other side! Just keep breathing!
Photo by Photo by Albert L. Ortega, #LoveAboveAll2020 campaign, GettyImages.com
This Month’s Magic
Though this is a different Thanksgiving indeed…and many of us will NOT be with our loved ones due to the pandemic. It is still time to be thankful for what we DO have!
Even in this rough year – focus on the good things,
no matter how little they may seem.
Where you put your focus grows – and we know gratitude is EVERYTHING! I am thankful for my friends, family and all of the wonderful people in my life from social media, classes, events, filming, neighbors and all the wonderful people I meet on this journey through life…I am thankful for YOU! Blessings and love to all!
Empty Thanksgiving Table – but full heart
As we enter holiday season, we often remember loved ones who have passed. It’s hard for me to believe my mom has been gone five years now. She was my best friend, my teacher and my number one supporter. She is still missed beyond words. Instead of making this a pity party for myself, I decided to instead focus on all the things I am thankful for. My mom taught me about love, integrity and living life to its fullest. She sang and danced well into her 80s. She never let fear stop her…or worrying about what other people would think of an 80+ year old high kicking tap dancer in skimpy sequins and feathers. I still strive to be more like her every day! In the photo below, Mom is second from the left.
I am thankful for all the years I had with her. I know she will always be with me. I have chosen to go with the “glass half full” instead of the “glass half empty” approach and remember what I am grateful for.
Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has—as opposed to an emphasis on what one wants. So here are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving Quotes… maybe a little something to chew on along with your turkey!
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.-William Arthur Ward
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.
—Oprah Winfrey
Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse.
—Henry Van Dyke
FACT: The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they’re thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.
So, remember, magic is EVERYWHERE! Sometimes all we need is a thought or perception change or new awareness to work the biggest magic of all.
“Til next time. With love, blessings and big, big hugs from Hollywood! ;o) xoxo Patti
Photo by Louise Fauroux
Upcoming Events
I have lots of upcoming events…many have been postponed due to the current pandemic. Here are some currently on the books and planning to happen. Some are live and some are online via Zoom.
Join me for a free virtual retreat:
For inspiration & empowerment:
I am excited to offer online classes only $10 through House of Intuition!
Thursdays at 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Click this link to sign up!
Old World Magick For The Modern World
Tips, tricks and techniques to balance, empower and create a life you love!
Living a magical life every day. I believe magic is all around us. I do not believe that you must be a witch or a psychic to create real change. When you understand the true nature of the energy you work with, you can truly create the life you want to live. We will discuss spell casting, energy direction and magick basics, so you know how to safely and powerfully enhance your life so you can live a magickal life every day!
12/3 – Seance ClassSpirits are all around us. I do not believe you have to be a psychic, medium or witch to communicate with the other side. But there are definitely some rules and guidelines you need to follow. The power that makes a séance successful dwells within you and the energy you create and bring in around you.
Patti Negri has been communicating with spirits since she could talk. She did her first séance when she was just seven or eight years old. She sat cross legged on the floor and I started asking the spirits to enter the room. She created her first chant – and low and behold – the room filled with orbs of bright light. Her journey had begun. Since then, she has studied religion, metaphysics, science, occult sciences and cosmologies and belief systems of all kinds and combined the truths within to create surefire and safe techniques to raise the veil between the worlds.
12/10 – Divination and Divination ToolsWhether tarot cards, dowsing rods, a pendulum, Ouija board…or the simple dance of a candle flame – divination is the art or practice of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge by the aid of spirit, magick or supernatural powers. Patti will teach you fun, simple techniques that will help add clarity and confidence to your divination and help open and deepen your awareness and your sight.
12/17 – Wheel of the Year / Pagan HolidaysThe Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by many modern Pagans, consisting of the year’s chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them. Almost all Pagans celebrate a cycle of eight festivals, which are spaced every six or seven weeks through the year and divide the wheel into eight segments.
Practical Magic
Mind, Body and Spirit Connection
Basic Spell Casting 101
4 Moon Magick and Love Magick
House Magick (Clearing, Blessing, Cleansing your home, office & business
Psychic Development and Dream Magick
Protection Magick
Kitchen Magick
Weight Loss / Body Image / Health Magick’
Money Magick
Simple Tarot
Divination and Divination Tools
Séance class
Wheel of the year / Pagan Holidays
Patti Negri is a Psychic-Medium and “Good Witch” best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel’s #1 show GHOST ADVENTURES. She is the international best-selling author of OLD WORLD MAGICK FOR THE MODERN WORLD: TIPS, TRICKS, & TECHNIQUES TO BALANCE, EMPOWER, & CREATE A LIFE YOU LOVE. Patti was voted number one psychic, medium, trance medium, tarot reader, witch / magical practitioner in the world in an Internationally competition by Times Square Press. In addition, she has a popular weekly podcast called THE WITCHING HOUR. Patti’s body of work includes appearances on such shows as MASTER CHEF, BEVERLY HILLS PAWN and Jeff Lewis’ FLIPPING OUT. She has graced numerous magazine covers, contributed to over 20 books and conducted seances on radio, film, and TV working with such legends as Emma Stone, Jon Voight, Josh Duhamel, Chevy Chase and Gregory Hines.
Check out my online Classes with Haunted Diary!
December 13, 2020
We all feel better in a “clean” home. Energetic cleansing is just as important as the dust, mop and broom kind! It’s not just “haunted” houses that need clearing…If you are noticing negative energies or feelings in your home: perhaps unexplained tiredness, arguing, a restless, listless or “down” feeling – it is probably time to do a house clearing! Oftentimes, dark or negative energies or spirits gather like dust bunnies – and can heavily affect the people living within. I will teach some easy ritual techniques and ideas for a House Blessing or Clearing. This can also be done in your office or workspace. This class will also include protection techniques. We all need a little extra protection these days….Whether from people, viruses, hateful energy, ghosts or even our own negative thoughts! In this class we will look at simple, powerful protection techniques, spells and magick that can help keep you, your loved ones, your home, pets and spirit safe in these chaotic times!
December 20, 2020
Practical magic is simple techniques, spells and thought patterns anybody can do to improve your day-to-day life and help you live a magical life every day! Everything is a combination of Mind, Body and Spirit to create the shift, open the door, enhance the opportunity, see a new perception to move forward in the direction you want with a bit more grace, ease and enjoyment as you manifest the life you want! Everything from how to deal with difficult relationships, your own personal blocks, fears and limitations, to how to develop your own psychic ability and intuition and to tune into your own guides and deity. Who has the power? YOU do! (If not…who or what have you given it away to?) I will teach you how to be the master or your universe. The architect of your own life.
December 26, 2020
The holidays are a time to celebrate and commune with friends and family! Why not include your loved ones on the other side of the veil? In this safe and sweet seance everyone will have a chance to ask for and communicate with their beloved dead. Patti has been communicating with spirits since she could talk. She did her first séance when she was just seven or eight years old. She sat cross legged on the floor and I started asking the spirits to enter the room. She created her first chant – and low and behold – the room filled with orbs of bright light. Her journey had begun. Since then, she has studied religion, metaphysics, science, occult sciences and cosmologies and belief systems of all kinds and combined the truths within to create surefire and safe techniques to raise the veil between the worlds.
I don’t know the dates yet…but coming soon:
A brand-new episode of GHOST ADVENTURES on the Travel Channel
A new episode of The Trevor Moore Show on Comedy Central
A new episode of Beyond Belief with George Noory on Gaia.com
My first appearance on Beyond Belief and my recent appearance on Coast to Coast
For your listening pleasure:
My new podcast THE WITCHING HOUR is going full steam ahead! Join me as I interview witches, vampires, psychics, mediums, astrologers, hypnotists, movie stars, influencers, paranormal investigators who are the best of the best from around the world!
You can check out all my podcasts for listen on demand on:
Looking for the perfect holiday gift?
(for yourself or someone else!)
I’ve got some lovely reading for you
Old World Magick for the Modern World.
Tips, tricks and techniques to balance, empower and create a life you love!
Thank you also to all of you who wrote me beautiful reviews on Amazon.
Again, I am truly grateful from the bottom of my heart.
Reviews really do help me a lot!
To get the most up to date info on my appearances, TV airings, radio, YouTube and podcasts please follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
(Links below) It’s your fastest way to know what’s going on in Patti land! ;o)
Coming in 2021
Game of Thrones Haunted Tour of Ireland
May 13 – 21, 2021 in Ireland

Texas Paracon, August 13–14, 2021 in Dallas, Texas
Festival of the Unexplained, September 17–19, 2021 in Nuneaton, UK

Remember to check out my website at
www.PattiNegri.comYou can find some of my work on my
YouTube Channel or you can always check out my
IMDB page for some of my upcoming shows.
That’s all for now! Now go out (or stay in) and make some magick in your life and world! See ya next time! Big, big hugs from Hollywood!
XOXO Patti