New Year New Me: Entering the New Year Like a Witch!
As the new year takes the world by storm, many people will find themselves Googling the words, “New Year New Me.” As the past year has filled our lives with some incredible ups and downs, this is the right time to say goodbye to 2022 and reinvent yourself in the new year!
As you prepare to embark on the journey of exploring the new you in the new year, we are here to support you throughout. With marvelous traditions, like new year’s resolutions, energy cleansing, and so much more, 2023 can be a year filled with new possibilities.
However, with the Internet bombarding you with a large number of things to do in the new year, it can be a little overwhelming! That’s why, today, we’ll bring you a list of four simple, yet witchy, practices to follow to enter the new year with a bang!
With our amazing ideas, you can work towards your goals and improve the energies around you to start a new year filled with love, life, and happiness. Now, let’s find out how you can harness the positive energies of the new year.
1. Schedule a Psychic Reading Session
Starting off the list with a classic witchy idea that can greatly help you improve your perspective and get your priorities straight.
Psychic reading sessions can be of various different types, including crystal readings, intuitive readings, past life work, and so much more. Regardless of what you prefer, a session with Patti will provide you with great insights into what’s waiting for you in the new year.
A psychic session can help you identify opportunities in your career and personal life, help you be aware of possible mishappenings, or understand your spiritual purpose. This can help you make a better, more informed plan for the new year and make the most out of your plans for the new year.
2. Write Down Your New Year's Resolutions
Once you’ve had the time to calmly sit and think about your goals and the areas of your life that you want to improve in 2023, it’s time to work on your resolutions.
However, before you begin writing your new year’s resolutions, you need to make sure they’re SMART. Well, when we say SMART, we don’t mean they need to be intelligent.
A SMART goal is a concept taught in business management, but it very much applies to real life. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Preparing your new year’s resolutions by keeping this criterion in mind will prevent you from making unrealistic resolutions that put a lot of pressure on you. Additionally, it will also help you achieve your goals more efficiently.
3. Visualize and Manifest Your New Year’s Resolutions

Now that you have a list of resolutions, it’s time to visualize and manifest them. How will you do it? Well, let’s start with manifesting first.
a. Manifestations
While there are a number of ways to manifest what you desire, let us talk about a few common ones. The first step to manifesting is to be clear about what you want. Whether it is a partner, a job, or better health, be clear about your intentions and use affirmations to manifest them.
You can choose to speak and write your manifestations throughout the day as a way to let the universe know what you desire.
b. Visualization
The next step to manifesting your goals is visualization. Think about your resolutions and visualize how you’ll feel when you achieve them. Visualize your goals to be your reality and experience it! You can also use a visualization board to do this.
4. Cleanse Your Energy and Surroundings
“New year New me!” A concept that has recently become massively popular across the world as everyone works towards reinventing themselves for the new year.
A great way to do this is with energy balancing and cleansing. By clearing the energy around you, you can ensure that you are surrounded by positive vibrations.
To execute this, you can get a house blessing and clearing session from Patti Negri to protect yourself and your family from all negative energies.
Book a Session With Patti Negri Today!
Known as the “Good” witch of Hollywood, Patti Negri is one of the most famous psychic mediums in the country and across the world!
Practicing in Los Angeles, Patti Negri is most commonly known for her recurring roles in several paranormal shows, like Ghost Adventures.
As a member of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, Patti believes in using her abilities to help people live their lives to the fullest.
With her wide range of sessions, including seances, psychic readings, rituals, house blessings and clearings, and so much more, she can help you find the right path in life and balance your energies.
“New year, New me”: Take a look at our service page and reinvent yourself with Patti!
To book a session with Patti, click here, and to directly ask her your questions, visit our contact page!